College of the Redwoods


Cal Poly Humboldt

College Matters | Education can spur a ‘ripple of hope’

This article was originally posted in the College Matters column of the Times-Standard.

Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 4:25pm

On June 6, 1966, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy delivered a speech at the University of Cape Town that was, in my opinion, one of most important speeches ever given on the power of hope and the need to put words into action to see hope fulfilled. The “Ripple of Hope” speech, given at the height of apartheid, was a call to action to the graduating class. One that implored them to dare to change the trajectory of their own country, but also the world.

“It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped,” he said. “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current, which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

The caustic nature of our political discourse, the tangible and existential threats of climate change, racial and political division, and the social and economic turmoil caused by the pandemic have led to heightened anxiety in our country; and, I believe, for many, a profound lack of hope. Even as it becomes easier to reach one another across great distances in the virtual realm, many of us feel more isolated and disconnected than ever. Political and social silos have fortified, exposing the frayed edges of our state and national unity. But it is not beyond repair.

I believe that education remains one of the best tools we have to solve the problems that plague our country — eliminating inequality, reducing homelessness, and creating a sustainable future through innovation and creativity. Each day, as educators, we have the opportunity to instill in our students RFK’s notion of hope as a great force that can heal a nation and change the world. From the “aha” moments in the classroom to the long-term socio-economic advantages created through education, College of the Redwoods faculty are the agents of change. Our faculty know that they have the unique opportunity to inspire a new way of thinking in our students, but it begins at home, in each of us.

I would urge us all to think about the ways we can encourage our students, our colleagues, and our friends and family to reach across our perceived divisions and begin repairing the social and political fractures we have sustained over the past few years so that we can focus on building a more hopeful future together.

To again quote RFK, who, in turn, was quoting his brother, “President Kennedy was speaking to the young people of America, but beyond them to young people everywhere, when he said, “The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it — and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.”

I am proud to serve as the president of a higher education institution that treasures education and values the role that faculty play in bringing hope to our communities.

Dr. Keith Flamer is the president of the College of the Redwoods.